Version control
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
why version control in computing
why version control in docs and data
how to do version control
?minimal git?
Jupyter experience to show need for version control. We changed inputs, getting new figures. Maybe we want the previous one.
For docs the document hell. Copy of copy etc. That is great for figures/results. But for docs? Frankly going through text changes in a docs in git is a nightmare. Much easier review-mode of Word with collored changes etc, but, once accepted those are lost.
Can we actually show how git helps? Using the web ui (preferably). The git workflow is over-complicated. So many commands for simple save. Not so from web UI. Needs careful thinking of what is achievable with the audience.
I am a section
With a text.
After Figure source
I am a yellow info
And my text.
I am code
I am a problem
Defined here.
- I am an answer.
- So am I.
Content of this episode was adopted after XXX et al. YYY.
Key Points